Tag: Social Media Marketing

What is the Google Marketing Platform

The Google Marketing Platform is an integrated ad technology platform that gives advertisers and agencies the ability to plan, execute and build successful digital marketing

Ad Networks Vs Ad Exchange

The programmatic advertising ecosystem consists of two parts: Ad networks and Ad exchanges. People often use them interchangeably because of their role in media buying.

Google Search ads vs Search Ads 360

A platform called Google Adverts (formerly known as Google AdWords) makes it possible to handle paid text ads on the Google Search Engine. Advertisers can

Private Marketplace and Programmatic Direct

For the most seasoned marketers, the online advertising sector is crowded with a variety of media-buying strategies, making it more and more challenging to understand.

What is Ads.Txt?

Authorized Digital Sales, also known as Ads.txt is an IAB technology that ensures to sell our digital ad inventories through sellers such as Adsense, who

What is Sellers.JSON?

Sellers. JSON is an IAB-provided standard to allow buyers to discover and verify entities who are either direct sellers of or intermediaries. Sellers, JSON works


In this article, we will learn about CCPA, GDPR, and CMP. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state-wide data privacy law that states