Sellers. JSON is an IAB-provided standard to allow buyers to discover and verify entities who are either direct sellers of or intermediaries. Sellers, JSON works through a publicly-available file of seller information and also increases the transparency in the ads and helps to combat fraud.
So how does it work?
Sellers. JSON is a bit like the SSP’s version of the publisher’s ads.txt file. Therefore, SSPs and exchanges will have to list all their authorized reseller partners along with their seller ID and any detail on the legal entity that owns the organization.
The use of A published and accessible Sellers.json file allows the identity of the final seller of a bid request to be discovered (assuming that they are ads.txt authorized). It also allows the identities of all nodes (entities that participated in the bid request) in the Supply Chain object to be discovered. Currently, it is possible for the final seller to be identified via the Publisher. name and Publisher. domain attributes, but in practice, these properties are inconsistently populated by various selling systems. Sellers.json also allows the identification of any and all intermediaries that participated in the selling of a bid request.
Read this article: Campaign Manager 360
Benefits of Seller.JSON
Generally, no one is affected by seller.json unless and until some dodgy players should not have operated in the first place. It helped reduce domain spoofing and unauthorized reselling of inventory.
This spec mainly aims to combat fraud across the ecosystem. A brand can have much more confidence in the inventory being bought, so it definitely has an indirect impact on brand safety too. It also gives full transparency to all the intermediaries that participated in the selling of a bid request.
These aren’t the only benefits of sellers.json.
Process of Implementing
They are compatible with the current version of Open real-time bidding framework 2.5, thus it is more compatible with the current technology of ads.txt rather than the newer version which is ads. cert which is the more secure version of ads.txt.
Object: Parent
The Parent object is the top-level object of a Sellers.json file. It is a container for all properties in a sellers.json file
Attribute | Type | Description |
Sellers | Object array; required | The list of all Seller objects that are represented by the advertising system. All sellers must be included even if they are confidential. |
Identifiers | object array; optional | An array of Identifier objects is associated with this advertising system. Examples could be TAG-Ids, Dun & Bradstreet business identifiers, or any custom identifier that a consuming advertising system might need. |
contact_email | string; optional | An email address to use to contact the Advertising System for questions or inquiries about this file. |
contact_address | string; optional | The business address of the advertising system. |
version | string; required | The version of this spec, currently only valid value is 1.0. |
ext | object; optional | Placeholder for advertising-system-specific extensions to this object. |
Object: Identifier
An identifier is an arbitrary name/value pair that is used to communicate common values such as business identifiers, certification identifiers, or any other identifier that a consuming system might need to better interoperate with the seller.
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | string; required | The description of the identifier |
value | string; required | The value of the identifier |
Object: Seller
The identification of the selling legal entity that is paid for inventory sold on behalf of seller_id.
seller_id | string; required | This is the same ID that appears in an ads.txt file and in the supply chain.nodes array sid property. In most cases will also appear in the Publisher. Id property of an OpenRTB request. |
is_confidential | integer; optional, default 0 | Indicates whether the identity of the seller is confidential, where 0 = is not confidential and 1 = is confidential |
seller_type | string; required | An enumeration of the type of account, either PUBLISHER, INTERMEDIARY, or BOTH. A value of “PUBLISHER” indicates that the inventory sold through this account is on a site, app, or other medium owned by the named entity and the advertising system pays them directly. |
is_passthrough | integer; optional, default 0 | A passthrough seller is a facilitator of inventory from the upstream supplier to the consumer of the inventory. The upstream supplier and consumer must establish a business relationship with each other such that the upstream supplier has control of their account within the consumer’s platform |
name | string; required when is_confidential=0 | The name of the company (the legal entity) that is paid for inventory that is transacted under the given seller_id. Can be omitted only when is_confidential is set to 1. |
domain | string; required if the seller has a web presence and is_confidential=0 | The business domain name of the company (the legal entity) that is paid for inventory that is transacted under the given seller_id. W |
comment | string; optional | Any helpful description for this inventory. It is useful for sellers that have multiple sellers is to describe what this seller_id represents. |
ext | object; option | Placeholder for advertising-system-specific extensions to this object. |
Note that the domain in sellers.json and Supply Chain is to be populated with only the root domain and not a full URL, much like the ‘domain’ in OpenRTB’s Site object and the domain definition used for ads.txt.
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